Branchial arches simplified

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*Branchial Arches Simplified*

*1st Arch*: 
(a Massive list of M’s)
Nerve: Maxillary and Mandibular nerves
Artery: Maxillary artery
Cartilage: Meckel’s Cartilage
                   Mandible + sphenoMandibular ligament
                   Malleus + Incus
Muscles: MAT x 2
– Muscles of Mastication
– Mylohyoid 
– Anterior belly of digastric
– Anterior 2/3 of tongue
– Tensor veli palatini
– Tensor tympani

              *2nd arch*: *S*econd
Nerve: *S*eventh nerve (facial nerve)
Artery: Stapedial artery and hyoid artery
Cartilage:  – Stapes
                    – Styloid
                    – Stylohyoid ligament
                    – leSSer horn of hyoid
– Muscles of facial expression (Smiling)
– Stapedius
– Stylohyoid
– poSSSterior belly of digastric

*3rd arch*: think Glossopharyngeal nerve
Nerve: – Glossopharyngeal nerve
Cartilage: – Greater horn of hyoid
– Stylopharyngeus

*4th Arch*: Swallowing + The exceptions to the 6th arch below
Nerve: Superior Laryngeal (branch of vagus) 
Cartilage: – Thyroid cartilage
– Pharyngeal constrictors
– Levator veli palatini
– Cricothyroid

*6th Arch*: Speaking (Laryngeal)
Nerve: Recurrent laryngeal (branch of vagus)
Cartilage: All laryngeal cartilages except thyroid cartilage
Muscles:  All instrinsic laryngeal muscles except cricothyroid

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One Comment

  • Anonymous says:

    Awesome work.. nerve supply of levator Veli Palatine is through pharyngeal plexus I guess n thyroid cartilage develops from both 4th n 6th arch

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