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Tips for Preparation of NEET PG AND DNB  

✍Revision is the key to the success in this competitive exam.

💉Why should you revise ??

👉There is only one reason why you should revise. THE SUBJECT IS VOLATILE. And you cannot remember everything you read, you should focus not the topics you want

👉How many times?

This is the most toughest and most confused in the minds of aspirants. First answer to this should be individualised..

✅ A minimum of revising a subject two times is MUST.

  ✅ If you can do it more than two times well and good..! 
Neet PG

✍How to revise ?

The most common mistake done by aspirants is they read, read and read…… The biggest mistake is they do not solve MCQ’s, if you ask me that’s a death sentence for you.

“”Without solving MCQ’s you are going to be no-where. If that’s your plan WAKE UP””

I would say an ideal time to start revision is by mid August, if you have not finished your portions don’t mind. Spare 2 hours of each day for revision.

How to go about revision:


Take a note first. Divide it into 3 parts

1) Silly mistakes

2) Wrong concepts 

3) Memory based errors

For example you are revising anatomy upper limb and lower limb today, by evening solve some 50 questions from that topic –> This is must. Then analyse it. Analyse with the above three things in mind.

1) Write down your silly mistakes (this should never be repeated) 

2) Write down the memory based mistakes (this should be revised again in the last 15 days)

3) Read back the things where the entire concept is wrong – So any question from that should be tackled


Now the number of questions you solve must increase.

If you have followed the above method, your silly mistakes WILL reduce. It will believe me. !!

Now the note should be into two. 1) Concepts wrong  2) Memory errors

Mostly by second revision your concepts will be strong, but memory based errors will continue. So take a note of them again.

✳️THIRD REVISION – IF YOU HAVE TIME Sit for continuous THREE HOURS and write minimum of 5 mocks ! (Again this is must, if you don’t get time for 3 atlas do 2 mocks fully)

Advantages: The fatigue of sitting three hours in exam and the mental drain you should be used to. Else it will be tough if you sit for the first time in exam hall

📌📌Last 10-15 days – Take the first and second book. Read the concepts wrong and memory errors….. And any tough topic if you have.

👉LAST DAY BEFORE EXAM – Sleep by 8 or 9, before sleeping READ YOUR SILLY MISTAKES …! That should not be repeated in the exam.

Rock on. ! All the best. 🙂

👌Hope this will help your​ preparation📚📚

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