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X ray appearences in heart diseases.

1. Coeur en Sabot /Boot shaped heart – Tetralogy of Fallot.

2. Pear/Money bag/purse – Pericardial Effusion.

3. Box shaped heart – Ebstein’s anomaly.

4. Egg on side – TGA

5. Snowman/figure of 8 – TAPVC

6. Scimtar sign – TAPVC.

7. Wide Vascular Pedicle – Corrected TOGV.

8. Sitting Duck shaped Heart – Persistant Truncus Arteriosus. 

9. Flask shaped Heart/Leather bottlewith Pulm. Oligemia – Pericardial Effusion.

10. Snowman/Figure of 8/ Cottage leaf of Bread heart – TAPVC.

11. Shaggy Heart – Pertussis.

12. Figure of 3 (CXR) / Reversed E sign(Ba swallow) – Coarctation of Aorta.

13. Hilar Dance sign(Fluoroscopy) – ASD.

14.Egg in cup – Constrictive pericarditis.

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