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Water relationship with medicine

🍀WATER WHEEL MURMUR-intracardiac air embolism,pneumohydropericardium… 🍀WATER SILK REFLEX-retinal angiopathy….. 🍀WATERFALL APPEARANCE-of stomach(gastrospasm),of right hilum(levo transposition of great arteries)… 🍀WATERSTON SHUNT-connection between ascending aorta &rt.pulmonary artery is made in case of cyanotic heart disease 🐳Rib notching is seen in all except – A. Blalock Taussig shunt B. Pulmonary atreasia with large VSD C. Waterston Cooley shunt D. Aortic disruption  Answr:C✅✅ ✳️WATER HAMMER PULSE – Water hammer pulse seen in a) Aortic stenosis b) Aortic regurgitation c) Aortic stenosis and Aortic regurgitation d) Mitral regurgitation Correct answer :  b) Aortic regurgitation ✅ seen due to wide pulse pressure as in aortic regurgitation.. Watson’s water hammer pulse (whp), also known as collapsing pulse, cannonball pulse or pulsus celer, is used to describe a pulse with a rapid upstroke and descent, characteristically described in aortic regurgitation . 🍀WATER BOTTLE APPEARANCE-pericardial effusion… 🍀WATERS VIEW-occipitomental view or open mouth view…. 🍀WATER POT PERINEUM-post gonococcal urethral stricture->urinary fistulas leaking urine. 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬 🦀FACTS related to Thirst: 🦐Polydypsia: Polydipsia can be found in; A- Chronic vitamin D intoxication. (T) B- Head injury. (T) C- Untreated hypoparathyroidism. (F) D- Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. (T) E- Mild dehydration. (T) ✅Answer Explanation: The causes of polydipsia include; diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, psychogenic polydipsia, and drugs. Chronic vitamin D intoxication may result in chronic hypercalcemia and thence nephrogenic diabetes insipidus  may be seen in such conditions. Changes of plasma tonicity are sensed by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus and hypertonicity affect water  intake and retention by influencing thirst and ADH secretion. Therefore head injury may result in thirst. Hyperparathyroidism (via hypercalcemia) may cause thirst and not hypoparathyroidism. Thirst is one of the common symptoms seen in children with mild to moderate dehydration. ✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍
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