Bleeding Sources

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​Bleeding Sources

Cause -source
1)extradural hemorrhage EDH – Middle meningeal artery
2)subdural hemorrhage SDH- bridging/dipole veins
3)SAH-rupture of congenital berry aneurysm
4)tennis ball injury to eye-circulus iridis major
5)epistaxis in little s area-sphenopalatine artery 
6)during tonsillectomy-paratonsillar veins,tonsillar and ascending Palatine arteries
7)tracheostomy-ishthmus and Inferior thyroid vein 8)hemoptysis,bronchiectasis-bronchial artery
9)gastric ulcer-Lt.gastric,splenic artery 10)duodenal ulcer-gastroduodenal artery 11)hemorrhoids-submucous venous plexus (formed by SRV + IRV) 12)retropubic prostatectomy-dorsal venous plexus
13)hysterectomy-internal iliac artery 14)menstruation-spiral arteries
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