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Source of haemorrhage/ bleeding: 1. Extra dural haemorrhage – middle meningeal artery 2. Sub dural haemorrhage – bridging or diploic veins 3. Sub arachnoid haemorrhage – rupture on berry aneursym 4. Tennis bal injury to eye – circulis iridis major 5. Epistaxis – Sphenopalantine artery 6. During tonsillectomy – para tonsilaar veins, tonsilar and ascending palantine artery 7. Tracheostomy – isthemus and inferior thyroid vein 8. Heamoptysis-bronchial artery 9. Gastric ulcer- left gastric, splenic artery 10. Duodenal ulcer – gastroduodenal artery 11. Hemmorrhoids – submucous rectal venous plexus formed by superior rectal vein & inferior rectal vein 12. Retropubic proastatectomy – dorsal venous plexus 13. Hysterectomy – internal illac artery 14. Menstruation – spiral arteries
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