Everything about Nerves

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Erb’s palsy Policeman tip deformity (Porter’s tip deformity) Nerve of bell (Long thoracic nerve) palsy Winging of scapula Median Nerve Palsy (Labours nerve) Pointing index Bendiction test Pen test (tests abductor pollicis brevis) Oschner clasp test Opposition of thumb lost Ape thumb deformity Ulnar nerve palsy (Musician nerve) Book test (froment sign), Card test (PAD) — Palmar interossei lgawa’s test (DAB) — Dorsal interossei Radial nerve palsy Wrist drop, (Finger drop and Thumb drop Specifically in posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) injury) Common peroneal nerve palsy (Lateral popliteal nerve palsy) or sciatic nerve palsy Foot drop(complete)
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