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COARCTATION OF AORTA 1)Narrowing of aorta just beyond the origin of left subclavian artery insertion, at the insertion of DA 2)Collateral circulation to support distal flow 3)Headache 4)Claudication pain. 5)Radio – femoral delay 6)BP in UL > LL 7)ESM over thoracic spine 8)ESM over AA 9)Pulsation, dilated tortuous arteries over the scapula – Suzman’s sign. 10)CXR: – a.Dilated aorta, indentation on descending aorta, rib notching b.‘3 – sign’ is a combination of dilated left subclavian artery above, stenosed, coarcted segment in the middle and dilated post – stenotic arota below.
Treatment: – a.Balloon dilation / surgery Complications: – 1)hypertension 2)LVF 3)Cerebral aneurysm and hemorrhage 4)Aortic dissection and rupture of aorta 5)IE at the site of coarctation, bicuspid aortic valve or collateral channels 6)Renal failure.
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