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EBSTEIN’S ANOMALY 1)posterior and septal leaflets of tricuspid valve is displaced downards gets attached to the right ventricle 2)malformed and fused valve leaflets. 3)Obstruction of blood flow into RV 4)Area of RV above the leaflet attachment gets “atrialized” 5)TS, TR 6)RA dilation 7)ASD / patent FO, R L shunt Clinical features: – 1)cyanosis 2)clubbing 3)prominent ‘v’ wave of JVP 4)apical impulse shifted down and out 5)S1 normal , S2 widely split, soft P2 6)RV S3 / S4 7)Scratchy 3 – 4 / 6 PSM and MDM at TA. Treatment: – Tricuspid Valvuloplasty
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