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– Upper limb 1.Shoulder : ball and socket 2.Elbow : hinge 3.Radioulnar : syndesmosis 4.Wrist : ellipsoid 5.1st mcp : saddle ( thumbs up success s-s) 6.Rest of mcp : ellipsoid Interphalangeal : hinge – Lower limb 1.Hip : ball and socket 2.Knee : condylar 3.Femur patella : saddle 4.Ankle : saddle 5.Calcaneo cuboid : saddle – Skull and spine 1.Atlanto occipital : condylar 2.Atlanto axial : pivot 3.Intervertebral disc : secondary cartilagenous / fibrocartilagenous 4.Sacrococygeal : fibrocartilageous 5.Spheno occipital : primary / hyaline joint – Ear 1. Incudomalleolar : saddle 2. Incudostapes : smallest ball and socket – Tooth socket – gomphosis – Vomer sphenoid rostrum- schindylesis – Costochondral– hyaline – Sternoclavicular – saddle
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