Numericals about Kidney

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Kidney numericals-

Blood flow- 1.2/.13L/min or 25% of CO or 400 ml/gm tissue GFR- 125ml/min or 7.5 L/hr or 180 L/day-creatinine,inulin RPF- 625/700 ml/day- PAH Filtration fraction- .16 to .2(GFR/RPF) Net filtration pressure-10mmHg Effective filtration area of glomerular capillary endolthelium- .8m2 Pore size- 70-90mm in diameter Filtration slits-25mm Free filtered neutral substance-Upto 4 nm Excludes substance-More than 8 nm Albumin size-7 nm Number of nephrons- 1 to 1.3 million Length of nephron-45 to 65 mm PCT-15 mm length and 55 um diameter DCT-5 mm CD-20mm Cortical nephrons-85% with PO2 50mmHg Juxtmedullary nephrons-15% with PO2 15mmHg Buy Self Assessment & Review of Medicine – 2Vols (Part A&B) 
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