Most common question bank

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Most Common Questions 

  • MC site of Pseudoanaeurysm – Vascular Anastomosis
  • Earliest sign acustic neuroma – loss of corneal reflex (cranial nerve 5)
  • MC hepatitis to progress to chronicity – hepatitis C
  • MC virus associated with transfusion hepatitis – HCV
  • MC hepatitis associated with hepatocellular carcinoma – HBV and HCV
  • MC hepatitis virus causes perinatal transmission – HBV
  • MC sporadic hepatitis cases occur adult – HEV
  • MC cause of hepatitis cases in children – HAV
  • MC cause of portal hypertension in USA – Cirrhosis
  • Second most common cause of portal hypertension in USA – Portal vein obstruction 
  • MC cause of BUDDCHIARI syndrome – polycythemia vera 
  • MC symptom of portal hypertension – GI bleeding 
  • MC presenting feature of esophagial varices – hematemesis
  • MC cause of BUDDCHARI syndrome in japan – idiopathic obstruction of IVC 
  • MC symptom 1st degree billiary cirrhosis – Pruritis 
  • MC feature of hepatocellular carcinoma – abdominal pain + abdominal mass 
  • Rare in HCC – jaundice 
  • Most specific tumor marker of HCC – alpha fetoprotein 
  • MC cause of nephrotic syndrome in adult – MGN 
  • MC cause of nephrotic syndrome in children – MCD / lipoidnephrosis 
  • MC GN associated with HIV – focal segmental GN 
  • MC GN world wide –Ig A nephropathy 
  • MC renal lesion associated with HCV-MPGN 1 
  • MC presentation of Ig-A nephropathyhematuria 
  • CRF in leprosy MC –MPGN 
  • MC other infection –MGN 
  • MC hereditary nephritis –alport syndrome
  • MC extra renal site of cyst in APKD –liver 
  • MC age of presentation of PCKD- 3 rd or 4 th decade 
  • MC histological variant of renal cell carcinoma- clear cell carcinoma (non papillary) 
  • MC aneurysm – atherosclerosis 
  • MC site of aneurism – abdominal aorta 
  • Syphilis MC affect – arch of aorta 
  • MC layer affected – tunica media 
  • MC type of vasculitis – temporal arteritis (Giant cell arteritis) 
  • MC infection – PAN (Due to HBV) 
  • MC used artificial vascular graft – DACRON 
  • Most common site in Atherosclerosis – abd. aorta 
  • MC site of fatty strock – thoracic aorta 
  • MC coronary vessel arteritis – LAD
  • MC type of MI – anterior wall MI 
  • MC cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy – amyloid 
  • MC tumor in heart – secondary
  • MC primary tumor in heart – arterial myxoma 
  • MC cause of microcytic hyprocromic anaemia in India – Irondeficiency anaemia 
  • MC cause of cellinjury – hypoxia > Ischemia 
  • Most sensitive cell to hypoxia – cerebral cortex > neurone > myocardial cell 
  • First organelle affected by hypoxia – mitochondria 
  • First change in cell injury – hydropic swelling 
  • MC type of necrosis – coagulative necrosis 
  • Only organ where coagulative necrosis occur – brain 
  • Stimulator of apoptosis – p53 
  • Greatest % of blood present in – vein 
  • Maximum surface area – capillaries 
  • Maximum resistance – arterioles 
  • Mode of spread of Aids in India – Heterosexual 
  • Mode of vertical transmission of Aids in India – Infective birth canal 
  • Mode of transmission of aids in paediatrics patients – Vertical transmission 
  • MC type of HIV in India – HIV 1 subtype C 
  • MC bacteria infected in AIDS – TB  MC fungal infection in AIDS – Candida 
  • MC cause of dementia in AIDS – AIDS related dementia 
  • MC carcinoma in AIDS – Kaposi sarcoma 
  • First disorder corrected in Gene therapy – SCID 
  • MC organ affected in amylodosis – kidney 
  • MC cause of death in amylodosis – heart disease 
  • MC carcinoma in oral cavity – Bucco alveolar complex 
  • MC oral cancer – squamous cell carcinoma 
  • Carcinoma tongue MC site – lateral middle 1/3 
  • Carcinoma oral cavity best prognosis – carcinoma lip 
  • MC site of peptic ulcer diseases – first part of duodenum 
  • Second most common site of PUD – anteropyloric junction 
  • Third most site of PUD – laser curvature of antrum and pylorus 
  • MC site of carcinoma stomach – esophago gastric junction and cardia 
  • Maximum conc. of H. pylori – antrum 
  • MC complication of PUD – Bleeding 
  • MC cause of death in PUD – Perforation 
  • Second MC site of gastric carcinoma – anteropyloric junction 
  • MC gastric carcinoma – adeno carcinoma (histological type) 
  • MC gastric carcinoma – intestinal type (antrum and pyloric) 
  • MC benign tumor in small intestine – adenoma (Ileum) 
  • MC malignant tumor in small intestine – adeno carcinoma (deodeno jejunal junction) 
  • MC site of carcinoid in body – bronchus 
  • MC site of carcinoid in intestine – ileum 
  • MC hormone release in carcinoid – 5 HT 
  • MC symptom of carcinoid – flushing and diarrhea 
  • MC type of intestinal polyp – Hyperplastic polyp
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