Important Ocular Pathognomonics

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Imp Ocular Pathognomonics  1. Arlt’s Line –> Pathognomonic of a healed Trachoma.  2. Bone spicule pigmentation –> Retinitis pigmentosa. 3. Busaca Nodules –> Granulomatous Anterior uveitis.  4. Bitot’s spots –> a conjunctival triangular white patches, pathognomonic of Dry eye.  5. Black sunburst –mep-temp-closing-comment-tag-> RPE Hyperplasia in Sickle Cell Retinopathy.  6. Bull’s Eye Maculopathy –> Chloroquine toxicity, HydroxyChloroquine toxicity, Cone dystrophy & Batten Mayou syndrome. 7. Cobble stone papillae –> Spring catarrh.  8. Cornea verticillata –> Amiodarone side effect .Other Causes –mep-temp-closing-comment-tag-> chloroquine,Fabry’s disease,Indomethacin.  9. Cherry red macula –> CRAO 10. Chocked disc –> Papilloedema.  11. Candlewax drippings (Retinochoroidal exudate) –> sarcoid periphlebitis (Ocular Sarcoidosis).  12. Egg yolk appearance –> Vitelliform macular dystrophy (Best disease).  13. Eclipse sign –> Shallow Anterior chamber.
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