One Liners

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1. Causes of Apple core sign femur 
  • synovial chondromatosis (Most common)
  • pigmented villonodular synovitis
  • amyloidosis
  • rheumatoid arthritis

2. Anterior tibial translation/translocation > 7mm is highly suggestive of Anterior cruciate ligament tear.

3. Laryngo-tracheo bronchitis or croup is the commonest cause of tracheal narrowing.

4. Most common primary malignant tumor of parotid gland – Mucoepidermoid carcinoma.

5. Type 3 accessory navicular bone – is called a cornuate navicular.

6. Myoinositol concentrations in brain are abnormally increased in patients with demyelinating disease and alzheimer’s. Detected by MR spectriscopy.

7. Morel Lavalle lesion – degloving injury in severe trauma resulting in abrupt separation of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue from the underlying fascia.

8. Overproduction of protein and lipid rich material from Type II pneumocytes which is not cleared by lungs – leads to Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.

9. Subpleural lucent line – seen in Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
Subpleural linear opacities – seen in Asbestosis.

10. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is indistinguishable to lung involvement in tuberous sclerosis but Chylothorax and chyloperitoneum are common in LAM.

Trilateral retinoblastoma 
  • bilateral retinoblastoma and
  • intracranial primitive neuroectodermal tumor ( pineal or suprasellar )
12. T-shaped uterus : seen in cases of in-utero diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure.

13. Intra-aortic baloon pumps are used in patients with cardiogenic shock. Ideally placed just distal to left subclavian artery origin.

14. Left lower lobe basal atelactasis is frequently seen in patients with heart transplantation.

15. Right upper lobe bronchus arising from trachea is called – PIG bronchus.

16. Congenital lobar emphysema is a misnomer as there is no alveolar wall destruction.
  • It is better termed as Congenital lobar overinflation.
  • MC affects Left upper lobe of lung (43% cases)
17. Most common location of bronchogenic cyst is : Mediastinal – carinal.

18. Most common location for Intralobar pulmonary sequestration : Medial left lower lobe.

19. Leiomyoma of oesophagus affects lower 2/3rd as this part has smooth muscle.

20. Double pyloric canal – seen when gastric antral ulcer fistulate to the duodenal cap.

21. Metastases to thyroid gland is rare. Most common metastases to thyroid is from MELANOMA.

22. Most important point of differentiation between extradural hematoma (EDH) and subdural hematoma (SDH) – Is the ability of SDH to cross the suture lines whereas EDH does not cross suture line. Though EDH is usually biconvex and SDH is usually concavo-convex BUT It is important to remember that even SDH can be biconvex.

23. Most common site of gastrointestinal lymphoma – Stomach.

24. The dripping candle wax sign or flowing candle wax is described in Melorheostosis which demonstrates sclerotic cortical thickening.

25. Oesophageal varices – are Submocosal. Gastric varices – are Subserosal.

26. Double decidual sac sign helps to distinguish between an early intrauterine pregnancy and a pseudogestational sac. It is formed by decidua parietalis and decidua capsularis which form two concentric rings around the true gestational sac.

27. Nuchal translucency > 3 mm between 10-14 wks gestation has significant association with chromosomal abonormality.

28. Syndromes ass. with omphalocele
  • pentalogy of Cantrell
  • Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
29. USG signs of chorionicity
  • Lamda sign – Dichorionic twins
  • T sign – Monochorionic twins
30. With increase in kVp (keeping other factors constant), the radiation dose to patient increases. Radiation dose is directly proportional to square of kVp.

31. Most common leukaemia in downs syndrome – ALL

32. Leukodystrophy (Dysmyelinating disease) with amino acid metabolism disorder – Canavan disease.

33. Primary extra-gastrointestinal stromal tumors – mostly found in – omentum and mesentery.

34. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) = Lou Gehrig’s Disease – between the ages of 40 and 70 – affects corticospinal tracts (runs through posterior limb of internal capsule).

35. Weigert-Meyer law : (for complete duplication of renal collecting system and ureters)
  • Upper renal moiety – Hydronephrosis ; distal end in bladder offten has ureterocele
  • Lower renal moiety – shows frequent reflux (inserts ectopically – lateral and superior in bladder)
36. Psammoma body associations :
  • Papillary thyroid carcinoma
  • Mesothelioma
  • Papillary renal cell carcinoma
  • Serous papillary ovarian adenocarcinoma
  • Endometrial adenocarcinomas (papillary serous carcinoma)
  • Meningioma
37. Goldblatt kidney – constriction of the renal artery – renal ischemia – release of renin – hypertension.

38. The superior anastomotic vein or Vein of Trolard drains the superficial middle cerebral vein into  superior sagittal sinus.

39. The inferior anastomotic vein or Vein of Labbe drains the superficial middle cerebral vein into transverse sinus.

40. Chang’s sign – seen in pulmonary embolism – abrupt change in diameter of pulmonary artery.

41. Bouquet of flowers appearance = paintbrush appearance – seen in Medullary sponge kidney on IVP.

42.Gallbladder ghost triad – seen sonographically in Biliary atresia
  • atretic gallbladder length <19 mm,
  • thin or absent mucosal lining or indistinct wall,
  • irregular gallbladder contour
43. Triangular cord sign : Sonographic sign showing > 4mm thickness of echogenic anterior wall of the right portal vein (EARPV) in cases of Biliary Atresia.

44. Omental cake can be seen in Metastases (most common) from ovarian, gastric or colon cancer, Tuberculous peritonitis and Lymphoma.

45. Absence of swallow tail sign – Parkinson’s disease.

46. Aphthous ulcers are seen in Crohn’s disease. They are NEVER seen in Ulcerative colitis.

47. Lobster claw sign: seen in papillary necrosis.

48. Manta ray sign seen in bladder exstrophy.

49. Eye of tiger sign seen in Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome.

50. Uterine choriocarcinoma can occur following molar pregnancy, abortion and even normal pregnancy.
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